Energy Programs

Energy Programs

Governments and utilities are continually seeking to implement new energy programs to offer citizens and customers ways to take advantage of new and improving technologies. A well known energy program, called PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy), or CEIP (Clean Energy Improvement Program) as it is called in Alberta, is a great financing solutions for property owners who are looking to reduce energy consumption or to generate their own renewable energy. Blue Harp Consulting will help you assess what energy program might be right for your community or business and will help you implement the program efficiently; this includes renewable energy ,energy storage programs, or smart grid programs to name a few. Our services for energy programs cater to clients, ranging from governments, municipalities, and other consultants or companies working in this space.

Infographic detailing the process flow Blue Harp Consulting use for their projects.

Some of the comprehensive services related to energy programs we offer include:

  • Energy programs opportunity analysis
  • Feasibility studies and market analysis
  • Planning and strategy
  • Funding opportunities
  • Program design study
  • Project evaluation
  • Capacity building
  • Stakeholder engagement and training
  • Program evaluation and reporting
  • Program development and creation